Legal Mutation Service

Legal Mutation Service by Property Fixer BD

Property Fixer BD helps provides the property legal services in Dhaka land mutation process in Bangladesh required for changing title ownership from one person to another. Mutation, in the simplest form, is a formal record that the property now belongs to the new owner. In addition, Mutation is essential to register or transfer the property, and for tax concerns.

Usual Phases of Operation:

  1. i) Mutation with the concerned government authorities owning the land (where applicable)
  2. ii) Mutation with the concerned Land Offices

Authority Mutation is also known as flat or plot mutation. Land Mutation is also known as Tahshil Mutation. Authority Mutation is completed by issuing a Mutation Letter by the concerned authorities in favor of the new owner or applicant.


The Khatian is a document for identification of land. Documents prepared through surveys for the purpose of determining possession, ownership and assessing Land Development Tax is known as Khatian .


“Porcha” is a document which is legally termed as Record of Right (ROR). The ROR document shows particulars​of Mouja, JL no, CS/RS dag no, and Khatian no. when the mutation of the property has already been completed.

Let’s learn about land mutation process in Bangladesh:

Land mutation, also known as land registration or land transfer, is a vital process in any country’s land management system. In Bangladesh, a densely populated country with limited land resources, efficient land mutation is crucial for ensuring proper land ownership, facilitating property transactions, and promoting economic development. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the land mutation process in Bangladesh, highlighting its significance and key steps involved.

Importance of Land Mutation in Bangladesh:

Land mutation plays a pivotal role in the overall development and governance of land in Bangladesh. It serves the following essential purposes

  • Establishing Clear Ownership: The land mutation process helps establish clear ownership of land, reducing disputes and conflicts over land rights. This promotes a transparent and secure land tenure system, attracting both domestic and foreign investment.
  • Facilitating Property Transactions: By recording changes in land ownership, mutation enables smooth property transactions such as buying, selling, and transferring land. It provides legal validity to these transactions and ensures that the correct parties are involved.
  • Land Revenue Collection: Accurate land mutation records aid in the collection of land revenue by the government, which is essential for financing various development projects and public services.

Key Steps Involved in Land Mutation Process:

  • Application Submission: The land mutation process begins with the applicant submitting an application to the relevant land office. The application includes necessary documents such as the deed of transfer, inheritance documents, sale agreement, and other supporting papers.
  • Verification and Field Inspection: Upon receiving the application, the land office verifies the documents and conducts a field inspection to verify the physical boundaries and other relevant details of the land.
  • Record Updates and Documentation: Once the verification is complete, the land office updates the land records accordingly. This includes updating the ownership details, recording the transfer, and making necessary changes to the land records.
  • Issuance of Mutation Certificate: After updating the land records, the land office issues a mutation certificate to the applicant. This certificate serves as proof of the updated ownership details and the completion of the mutation process.
  • Record Archiving: The land office maintains a record of all land mutations for future reference. These records play a crucial role in resolving disputes, tracking land transactions, and ensuring accurate land records.

Challenges and Reforms in Land Mutation Process:

  • Limited Digitalization: One of the significant challenges in the land mutation process in Bangladesh is the limited digitalization of land records. The manual record-keeping system often leads to inefficiencies, delays, and corruption. However, the government has initiated reforms to digitize land records, promoting transparency and efficiency.
  • Complex Legal Procedures: The legal procedures involved in land mutation can be complex and time-consuming, leading to delays and bureaucratic hurdles. Streamlining the legal framework and simplifying the procedures are necessary for an efficient and accessible land mutation process.
  • Awareness and Capacity Building: Enhancing public awareness and conducting capacity-building programs for landowners, government officials, and stakeholders can contribute to a smoother land mutation process. Proper education and training regarding land rights, procedures, and the importance of accurate land records are vital for efficient implementation.

Note to be taken what reasons behind land mutation cancelled in bd:

Land mutation, the process of updating land records to reflect changes in ownership, is a critical aspect of land management in Bangladesh. However, in some cases, land mutation applications are canceled or rejected due to various reasons. This blog aims to shed light on the reasons behind land mutation cancellations in Bangladesh, providing insights into the challenges and issues faced during the process.

  • Inaccurate Documentation: One of the primary reasons for land mutation cancellations is inaccurate or incomplete documentation. When applicants fail to provide the necessary supporting documents, such as the deed of transfer, inheritance papers, or sale agreement, the land office may reject the application. Inaccurate or missing documentation hinders the verification process and can lead to the cancellation of land mutation applications.
  • Disputes and Litigation: Land disputes and ongoing litigation can result in the cancellation of land mutation applications. If there are conflicting claims or unresolved disputes over land ownership, the land office may choose to suspend the mutation process until the issue is resolved. This ensures that the land records remain accurate and avoid transferring ownership in a disputed or legally uncertain situation.
  • Encroachment and Illegal Occupation: Land mutation applications may be canceled if the land in question is found to be encroached upon or illegally occupied. If the land office discovers that the applicant does not have rightful ownership or possession of the land, the mutation process is halted to prevent the transfer of land to an unauthorized party. This helps protect the rights of the legitimate landowner and prevents illegal land transactions.
  • Land mutation applications may be canceled if the land in question is found to be encroached upon or illegally occupied. If the land office discovers that the applicant does not have rightful ownership or possession of the land, the mutation process is halted to prevent the transfer of land to an unauthorized party. This helps protect the rights of the legitimate landowner and prevents illegal land transactions. Corruption and fraudulent practices pose significant challenges to the land mutation process in Bangladesh. In some cases, applications may be canceled due to bribery, forged documents, or other illicit activities intended to manipulate the land records. The government has been working to combat corruption and enhance transparency in the land management system, but these issues persist and can result in the cancellation of land mutation applications.
  • Administrative Errors: Errors or discrepancies in administrative processes can lead to the cancellation of land mutation applications. Mistakes in data entry, record-keeping, or procedural errors can undermine the accuracy and validity of the mutation process. In such cases, the land office may cancel the application to rectify the errors and ensure the integrity of the land records.
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